Amphibian Survey and Collection Methods – Online – April 9th, 2024

  •  04/09/2024
     2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time

As awareness of the value of amphibians and the necessity of conserving their habitats continues to grow rapidly, so does the demand for skilled professionals proficient in handling these often delicate and complex species. This course equips individuals expanding their careers into this realm with detailed knowledge. It covers specific capture techniques, their rationale, and execution, along with best practices for safe handling to prevent injury or disease transmission. Additionally, it explores broader elements such as study design and offers guidance on identifying species across various life stages and habitats. 

Topics covered will include: 

  • Designing an effective survey 
  • Overview of amphibian life cycle 
  • Methods for field surveys and capture 
  • Proper handling techniques 
  • Safety during fieldwork 
  • Amphibian specific ethics ad policy 
  • Amphibian salvage 

Course will be 4 hours long. 

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