NRTG at Williams Lake First Nation Career Fair

I recently flew up to Williams Lake to represent NRTG at the Williams Lake First Nation Career Fair.

Sean Mitchell, NRTG’s Program Manager, supplied pelts for me from a red fox, rabbit, and a mink to display. Angie Bristol, NRTG’s Communications Manager, supplied all the swag and pamphlets. Both pelts and swag were a big hit with the crowd! The booth looked great, other booths there represented Ambulance and RCMP agencies, mining companies, health and wellness organizations, and universities.

The people I connected with ranged from 8 years old to elders. I really enjoyed hearing everyone’s perspective and connection to the environment and learning. Everyone seemed to have an interest in the courses we provide and took information for themselves, or their children, grandchildren, cousins, friends.

There is so much value in face-to-face communication and showing up in a community that we have worked with in the past and plan to provide more training in the future! I made friends and great connections and very much look forward to visiting Williams Lake again soon!

Gwen Schroeder, Program Manager

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