What courses would provide me with year-round employment?

While all NRTG courses will provide you with year-round employment, there are specific ‘office-based’ skills and abilities that will maximize your employment opportunities. Fundamental to any natural resource-related employment and effectiveness is good writing, whether that be field notes, reports, proposals, or an email or any other written correspondence. Our popular Technical Writing for Professionals course provides you with more impactful and effective writing skills, while Technical Writing for Professionals: Report Writing provides you with skills to develop more readable, clear, persuasive, and compelling reports.

NRTG offers courses designed for intermediate and senior staff or professionals that manage projects.

Most any natural resource-related work involves legislation and regulations. NRTG’s Working in and About Water: Legislation, Regulations and Responsibilities clarifies the processes, regulations and constraints involved in working in and about water.  For professionals requiring skills to design a scientifically defensible study, our Experimental Design in Ecology course will provide skills in study design, site and equipment selection, statistical analysis, and interpretation of data.