Instructor Profile

Jeff Sereda, PhD. Senior Fisheries Ecologist, Adjunct Professor University of Saskatchewan Jeff holds a PhD. in Limnology and an Aquaculture Technician Diploma. He served as manager of a commercial salmonid hatchery for 4 years, lectured at the University of Saskatchewan on topics of fish physiology, taxonomy, ecology, conservation, and aquaculture. Currently, Jeff is a Senior … Continued

Course Customization

This course can also be customized for an organization and/or community based on their needs and preferences.  In its standard format, this course is comprised of 120 hours of applied training.  Clients may request additional training in specific topics (e.g., environmental monitoring, forestry, Guardian training, etc.) or additional certifications (e.g., Off-Road driving, Archaeology, UTV training, etc.).   … Continued