10/11/2022 - 10/12/2022
9:00 am - 4:00 pm Pacific Time
Note: October 11th (Day One) classroom is an ONLINE Webinar, 9am to 4pm Pacific Time. The October 12th (Day Two) training session is field-based. Upon registration, NRTG will provide information to access the online training session as well as logistical information for the North Vancouver field site location and practicum.
NRTG is the leading provider of electrofishing training in Canada. Since 1994, NRTG staff have successfully trained more than 8,000 Canadian industry practitioners in the practice of safe and effective electrofishing. NRTG personnel are highly respected and recognized leaders in the delivery of backpack and boat electrofishing certification training.
Required Supplies
Participants must supply their own personal field gear; leak-free chestwaders, hat with a brim, wading belt, non-slip footwear (felt, cleat or rubber soled wading shoes or wader boots). As part of our COVID-19 policy, we are also asking students to provide and wear Nitrile gloves and a non-surgical mask during the field practicum.