4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Pacific Time
Mentors have a long history in education. We all, even after decades of experience in the environmental practices, owe a tremendous debt to those that mentored us, helped us to see the bigger picture, encouraged us appreciate the importance of high quality data and the limitations of inference.
Mentors can help the mentee to conduct the task more effectively and generate reliable and defensible data.
They can also help people find new jobs and network in a complex employment environment. It is due to the debt that all of us experienced practitioners owe to our past mentors that we wish to help others.
For this purpose, NRTG is offering Career Mentoring & Student Support live sessions. These are free to attend and will occur month.
Bring your questions and have two very experienced environmental practitioners present to give you some suggestions, recommendations, and guidance.
This is your opportunity to build relationships with people that can greatly help your career move forward. There is not a focused topic to each live session (for that attend “Ask an Expert”), instead it is free-ranging Q & A within the bounds of mentoring and helping people move forward in their careers (or to start a new career).