Bird Nest Surveys — Beyond Standard Approaches – Online – May 22nd, 2024

  •  05/22/2024
     8:30 am - 12:30 pm Pacific Time

Bird nest surveys are an important, but controversial, tool for protecting the nests, eggs, and young that may be threatened by human-caused disturbances, and in so doing remain compliant with Canadian environmental law. The ability to reliably determine if there are nests in an area is dependent on several factors including: the skill of the observer, the amount of time allotted to the task, and the complexity of the habitat. In this micro-course we will discuss how to recognize, avoid, and overcome some of the most common limitations of bird nest surveys.

Topics covered will include:
1) recognizing when bird nest surveys are unlikely to fulfill legal requirements, and communicating this information effectively to proponents and colleagues
2) guidance for avoiding conducting surveys under marginal conditions
3) recommendations to maximize your effectiveness when it is necessary to complete nest sweeps under challenging conditions

This course is open to all who are looking to expand their abilities in this area, but it is primarily designed for environmental practitioners with some background conducting surveys for bird nests, either through completion of Avian Nest Sweeps and Monitoring Methods (a two-day in-depth course offered through NRTG) or through practical experience.

Course will be 4 hours long.

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