Electrofishing Certification – Knowledge Evaluation

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Participants requesting
Crew Member certification:
a) complete Questions #1 to 16
b) meet or exceed a score of 80%
Participants requesting
Crew Supervisor certification:
a) complete Questions #1 to 20
b) meet or exceed a score of 95%

Please reach out to gwen@nrtraininggroup.com if you need any assistance.

Electrofishing Certification – Knowledge Evaluation

Your Information

Which certification are you requesting?

1. Match the following terms by selecting the appropriate number in the dropdowns provided. (1.0 mark each, 10 marks total) / 10


  1. Overall crew safety
  2. Crew Supervisor
  3. Non-slip, appropriate for conditions
  4. Stop water from entering waders
  5. One
  6. Anyone
  7. Two
  8. Slash at throat
  9. Rain
  10. Tap on head


2. – 11. Select the most accurate statement (1.0 mark each) / 10

2. Reasons to stop an electrofishing session.
3. What is the correct minimum crew certification requirement?
4. Rules of thumb for handling fish.
5. What is the correct order of steps for performing the ‘Initial Response’?
6. Mandatory electrofishing unit safety features.
7. Three steps performed in the Equipment Checkout Procedure.
8. Water quality characteristics to be maintained in a fish recovery bucket.
9. Battery care considerations.
10. Four ideal conditions for effective backpack electrofishing.
11. How should crews react to Persistent Spectators?

Complete the following /10

Additional Questions for Crew Supervisor Certification /15